Tenant Storage Lockers NYC | 157 W 57th Tenant Storage Costs $216,000 or $4k per square foot

Tenant Storage Lockers NYC. Developers in NYC in Large residential buildings and 6 story walk ups have been able to generate good revenue by providing tenant storage for residents in the basements. Tenant Storage Lockers have been sold for as much as the apartments per square foot price. Recent sales of tenant storage lockers on the Luxury end include:
157 W 57h St $216,000 or $4K per square foot
56 Leonard St $300,000 or $1,500.00 per square foot
432 Park Ave $190,000 or $2,500.00 per square foot
252 E 57th St $155,000 pr $1,220.00 per square foot
520 Park Ave $95,000. or $2.065.00 per square foot
93 Worth St $65,000 or $2,031.00 per square foot

a recent in depth article on tenant storage Bloomberg  by Patrick Clark also states storage prices have risen apace with residential prices in recent years.
Many residential buildings choose to rent out Tenant Storage Cages to residents. The average rental for most buildings in NYC averages $90.00 to $150.00 per month. If the building has 60 units.And rents them out on the low side of $90.00 per month the tenant storage would generate $64,800.00 per year in revenue. The return on investment is quick usually averaging 7-8 months.

The best way to buy tenant storage lockers is to ask for standard sized units. Many good stocking distributors stock what NYC buys. units can start in sizes from 3'D x 3'D x 90" high ranging to 4'w x 8'D x 8'H. ask for a complimentary on site layout. on site surveys of the space will allow you to see how many units can fit in the storage area and what size works best for the building and residents. Many buildings are limited in space in the basement. 4' wide x 4' deep x 90" high has become the most popular size in all 5 boroughs. Most projects can be delivered and installed within days of purchase. Ask what the warranty is. Most good suppliers provide a 1-5 year warranty. SecurityCagesNJ.com provides a lifetime Warranty not only on the lockers, But the install as well. Another good question to ask is what the wire gauge is of the welded wire cages. 4ga welded wire is twice the thickness of 10ga. 4ga gives twice the added thickness and security at the same or lower price of 10ga welded wire cages.
Insist on 4ga welded wire. Twice the thickness of 10ga.
Interested in a complimentary onsite layout or How much your building could generate with tenant storage lockers? Contact us today for a complimentary on site layout P(732)489-3867 or Email us.

Tenant Storage Lockers NYC, Tenant Storage Cages NYC

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